A value chain and SWOT analysis for optimizing the self-sufficiency of fish feed to strengthen freshwater aquaculture production in Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
This study evaluates the aquafeed self-sufficiency sector in Indonesia, aiming to provide policy recommendations for optimizing freshwater aquaculture production. The study engaged 1005 participants, including 204 self-sufficient aquafeed producers and 801 fish farmers, covering 88% of the regions where the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries promotes aquafeed self-sufficiency, conducted in 30 Indonesian provinces. The majority of on-farm and small-scale feed manufacturers continue to operate successfully (91%), with a minor portion discontinuing (9%). Aquafeed products incorporating local ingredients prove cost-effective and receive high acceptance among fish farmers. The sustainability of the aquafeed self-sufficiency sector is closely linked to local ingredient availability, operational aquafeed manufacturing plants, product quality, human resource capabilities, and government policies. The study presents policy recommendations to address these issues, encompassing measures such as ensuring ingredient supply sustainability, providing a mobile laboratory for ingredient and feed analysis, enhancing human resource quality through training, facilitating easier access to financial support, and strengthening central-local government coordination to optimize the aquafeed self-sufficiency program. The rise of the national fish production target from freshwater aquaculture has attracted great attention in the improvement of the aquafeed sector since the sustainability of aquafeed supply is the main driver for the success of aquaculture production.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.4552
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