Guideline for advising community enterprise entrepreneurs on entering the digital marketplace

Benchawan Saringkhan, Krisada Chienwattanasook

Article ID: 4516
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


The spread of the coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) in Thailand has led to a lack of liquidity and income for entrepreneurs, increasing the variety of distribution channels compared to store sales. This will be a solution for businesses struggling and creating value to raise the income levels of community enterprises in Thailand. This was an integrated and participatory action research using qualitative techniques through observation, interviews, recordings, analysis, and interpretation of the operational characteristics of community enterprises from field visits for consultation. This study aimed to examine the problems and obstacles of online selling by community enterprise entrepreneurs and to find guidelines for advising lead entrepreneurs in the Digital Market. These 25 community enterprise entrepreneurs produced community herbal products in Thailand. The research findings were analyzed using grounded theory according to the research objectives. From the research results, it is possible to summarize the problems and obstacles faced by entrepreneurs in selling products online among community enterprise entrepreneurs owing to the lack of knowledgeable administrators and the decline in demand for products affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, barriers to laws, regulations requirements related to cannabis products included legal controls only for cultivation and the production process until the product was sold, and production capacity could not be produced to meet the demand when there was a large volume of orders. Solutions were as follows: increasing skills and knowledge for entrepreneurs, especially in the potential; finding a way to pass on the business to the new generation to continue the business; using strategies to create cooperation with other enterprise networks and government agencies; creating online selling channels through various platforms; increasing funding to develop production processes; and using technology to create competitive advantages and marketing planning and delivery to make online sales an essential channel.


community enterprise; digital marketing; herbal products; Thailand

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