“Raising the Curtain”: The service theater model as a tool of industrial tourism and effects on customer experience

Tao Zhang, Yi Wang, Yumeng Xie

Article ID: 4513
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


The growing attention paid to industrial tourism can be seen as one of the major trends in cultural tourism and marketing and has given currency to the proposition that customer experience of industrial tourism acts as a direct personal source of information about their perceptions of companies visited and is essential for customer relationship management of companies. This study applies the service theater theory and proposes a model to explore the structural relationships among theatrical elements of industrial tourism (including setting, performance, and actor), the dimensions of customer experience (enjoyment, learning, and escape), and customers’ behavior intentions. A survey of 500 industrial tourists in a transparent factory in the health food industry was conducted in Zhuhai, Guangdong, China. The results of structural equation modeling indicate that two theatrical factors (setting and performance) relate positively to all dimensions of customer experiences. In contrast, the theatrical factor “actor” only relates positively to the learning experience. Furthermore, all dimensions of customer experience, in turn, positively affect customers’ behavioral intentions. This study will be helpful for corporate managers and tourism organizers who aim to develop and implement marketing strategies based on the service theatre theory to improve their services.


service theater; customer experience; behavioural intention; industrial tourism; company tour

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i6.4513


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