Luoyang Weijiapo Rural Museum in China: Local identity construction of rural community residents through the intervention of rural museums

Yao Zhang, Arkom Sangiamvibool

Article ID: 4502
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


Purpose: To reveal the impact mechanism of rural museum intervention on the construction of local identity of rural community residents, and provide practical reference for the protection and utilization of rural cultural identity. Methods: This study takes the Weijiapo Rural Museum in Luoyang, China as the research object, uses participatory observation and in-depth interview methods, and explains the specific characteristics of rural community resident identity construction through identity process theory (IPT). Results: (1) The impact of the intervention of rural museums on rural areas is reflected in four aspects: local spatial reconstruction, transformation of livelihood methods, reconstruction of social relationships, and evolution of cultural customs; (2) under the influence of rural museum construction, the representation of community residents’ identity has shown complex characteristics, with both positive and negative impacts coexisting; (3) the local identity of community residents affects their perception and attitude towards the construction of rural museums.


rural museum; rural community residents; identity process theory; rural revitalization; local identity construction

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