Tourism sustainability, friendly policies, and infrastructure: Digital nomads’ motivations for visiting Portugal

Maria do Rosário Mira, Andreia Moura, Nayara Araujo

Article ID: 4484
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


This research analyses digital nomads’ relationship with tourism, their motivations for travelling and their expectations of the destinations they visit. In addition, it aims to understand the lifestyle of this public and their preference for sustainable destinations, as well as the implications for policies and the organisation of tourism infrastructure, in line with their specific needs. A questionnaire was administered to users of open-access social networks or members of online digital nomad communities (n = 34), between December 2022 and March 2023. Descriptive statistics, construct validations, reliability and internal consistency of the measures were carried out and Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient (r) was applied between items of the same scale and different scales. The results indicate that quality of life, life-work balance, living with other cultures, being in contact with nature, escaping from large urban centres, indulging in tourism all year round and travelling for long stays, are the main motivations of this public. The importance of quality Wi-Fi, flexible tourist services and support services is emphasised as the main attributes to be considered in tourist destinations.


tourism; destination attribute; digital nomads; hospitality; lifestyle

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