On being green in the social media interactivity’s information seeking-sharing: Case of Generation Z in Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
Social media interactivity creates consumer’s space of information seeking-sharing where its intensity could produce knowledge, creates new values and changes behavior. The aim of this study is to exploratory investigate the dual role of Generation Z’s information seeking-sharing behavior within green context through the interactive space of social media as a resource for the development of social media marketing strategy. The research employs mixed-method approach of qualitative-explorative data mining, quantitative cross-tabulation Chi-Square test, and integration. Two findings of this research are elaborated. First, consumer’s space of information-seeking leads to the process of green awareness rationalization, i.e., how environment-oriented actions can be rationalized. Second, consumer’s space of information-sharing leads to green social values, i.e., How environment-oriented actions can be socially recognized. The marketing implications of these two findings are business’ efforts to develop green-oriented strategic mindset through space of social media marketing “customer engagement” where the dual role of information seeking-sharing within green context is facilitated.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.4478
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