Impact of management systems on business operations in trade: Case of the Republic of Croatia
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
This paper analyses the impact of an integrated business management system on business operations in trade in Republic of Croatia. The integration of management systems provides various benefits to a company, so the aim of this paper is to analyse the impacts of integrated management systems on the business operations of trade companies in the Republic of Croatia. The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyse, but also to adequately theoretically argue the impact of transformational leadership, quality culture, and the degree of integration on the development of integrated management systems. Empirical research investigated integrated management systems in companies in the trade sector in the Republic of Croatia. Based on the set conceptual model and research results, we conclude that companies with a highly developed quality culture have proven management system integration. Our research didn’t confirm the significance of transformational leadership in interpreting changes in the degree of management system integration, but it highlights the positive correlation between the application of quality culture and integration; confirms the substantial impact of integrated management systems on both internal and external benefits, emphasizing its strategic imperative for sustained business success.
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