Two decades of nuclear energy policy and its impact on Indonesia: A bibliometric review
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
Although much bibliometric research has been conducted to analyze publications on energy policy, a systematic investigation of the sustainability of nuclear energy use after the Fukushima nuclear accident is still lacking. Therefore, this study conducted a comprehensive bibliometric review of the sustainability of nuclear energy policy (NEP). This study discusses NEPs, highlighting their disadvantages; emerging research themes; and networks of the most productive authors, countries, journals, and institutions over the last 20 years (2002–2022). This timeframe was selected because of the Fukushima nuclear accident, which has been one of the largest environmental disasters in recent years. Bibliometric analysis was carried out by reviewing 1146 documents from the Scopus database using the keywords “energy policy” and “nuclear energy.” The OpenRefine software was used to deep-clean keywords with the same meaning, and VOSviewer was used to visualize them. The results show that over the past two decades, future research themes and trends in the study of NEP have focused on nuclear fuel, the Fukushima nuclear accident, risk perception, energy transition, and renewable energy. Bibliometric analysis has positively affected the development of NEP in countries that do not yet have nuclear power plants, such as Indonesia.
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