Research on the impact of management control on corporate social responsibility and business performance—The case of listed companies in Vietnam

Nguyen Phu Giang, Tran Nguyen Bich Hien

Article ID: 4444
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


Purpose: There have been many studies on corporate social responsibility. Still, research on the dual relationship showing the impact of management control on corporate social responsibility and business performance has not been exciting researchers. The article also identifies and measures the elements of management control that affect compliance with corporate social responsibility and business performance. At the same time, the paper also analyzes the influence of compliance with corporate social responsibility on business performance. From the research results, listed companies will see the importance of designing management control and complying with corporate social responsibility to maximize the business’s profits. Findings: The article demonstrates the practicality of institutional theory in the relationship between management control, corporate social responsibility, and business performance. Institutional theory influences the relationship between management control, CSR, and business performance by highlighting the role of external institutional pressures, legitimacy, and conformity to societal norms. Companies that strategically integrate institutional expectations into their management control systems can enhance their CSR efforts, improve their reputation, and contribute to better business performance. Methodology: We collect data on 195 manufacturing enterprises listed on the Vietnam stock market in 6 sectors. This study’s main data analysis method is the structural equation modeling method (SEM). The article used AMOS software to evaluate and measure the influence of each factor. Practical implications: The article has analyzed five aspects of management control to corporate social responsibility and business performance: Size of the Board of Directors (BOD), percentage of independent members in the BOD, and concurrence. CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, state ownership ratio and foreign shareholder ownership rate. The results show that a company with a CEO who is not the Chairman of the BOD will have a higher level of CSR compliance than a company with a CEO who is also the Chairman of the BOD. The larger the Board size, the higher the level of CSR, but This has not been verified for the company’s business performance. The higher the foreign ownership ratio, the better the CSR compliance; however, this has the opposite direction for the state ownership rate. The higher the percentage of independent members on the Board of Directors, the lower the level of CSR compliance. In terms of impact on business performance in the enterprise: The higher the company’s compliance with corporate social responsibility, the better it’s business performance. A company with a CEO who holds the position of BOD will have lower business performance than companies with a CEO who does not hold the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Companies with a high percentage of state ownership will have lower business performance. The higher the percentage of independent members on the Board of Directors, the lower the business performance. Originality: This attests that the research paper I submitted is the result of my original and independent work. I have duly acknowledged all sources from which the ideas and quotations have been obtained. The project does not contain any plagiarism and has not been sent elsewhere for publication.


management control (MC); corporate social responsibility (CSR); business performance; social and environmental (SE)

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