Impact of supply chain agility on customer value and customer trust: Moderating effect of price sensitivity in healthcare industry

U. J. Mirando, H. M. R. P. Herath

Article ID: 4374
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This study investigates the impact of supply chain agility on customer value and customer trust while investigating the role of price sensitivity as a mediating variable in the healthcare industry. A quantitative methodological approach was used. This was cross-sectional descriptive research based on a survey method, and data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The sample consisted of 384 respondents who had already used healthcare facilities. The sampling technique was convenience sampling and collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The study indicated that supply chain agility positively impacts customer value and customer trust, while there is no moderation role of price sensitivity in the healthcare industry. Previous scholars revealed that there is a strongly available association between supply chain agility and customer value. But no attempt was undertaken to investigate the impact of supply chain agility on customer trust while moderating the role of price sensitivity.


customer trust; customer value; healthcare industry; price sensitivity; supply chain agility

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