Economic structural transformation: The Vietnamese case for developing nations in a globalization context

Toan Duc Nguyen, Ha Thu Dinh

Article ID: 4261
Vol 8, Issue 4, 2024


Vietnam’s economic evolution presents a compelling case of transformative growth driven by its distinctive historical, cultural, and policy landscapes. Since the watershed Đổi Mới reforms of 1986, the country has navigated the complexities of market liberalization, socialist principles, and international integration, achieving remarkable development while preserving its economic sovereignty. Through a mixed-methods approach, this study delves into the impacts of Đổi Mới, assessing the successes and ongoing challenges in Vietnam’s economic restructuring. Results indicate a remarkable shift in GDP contribution from agriculture to industry and services, with a burgeoning private sector and enhanced international trade and investment. However, challenges in achieving equitable growth, inclusive development, and environmental sustainability remain salient amid global economic shifts. Vietnam’s experience underscores the critical need for targeted reforms in workforce development, economic diversity, infrastructural enhancement, environmental stewardship, and regulatory and financial governance. Vietnam’s proactive stance on economic autonomy and global participation highlights the importance of a nuanced approach in navigating the changing international landscape. In summary, Vietnam’s journey through economic structural reform provides a unique perspective on navigating development within a socialist-oriented market framework, serving as a distinctive exemplar for similar emerging economies contending with the vibrant currents of globalization.


structural transformation; Vietnam’s reform; economic restructuring; economic innovation; economic liberalization; industrialization; urbanization

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