Predicting the interrelationships among Chat GPT, tourist’s satisfaction and usage intention: Moderating role of traditional tour operator services

Tamer Hamdy Ayad, Rania M. Elsayed

Article ID: 4183
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


This study aims at predicting the interrelationship between among Chat GPT with its six dimensions, tourist’s satisfaction and Chat GPT usage intention as perceived by tourist, and as well as to examine the moderating effect of traditional tour operator services on the relationships between all the variables. Data were collected from 624 tourists. The study hypotheses were tested and the direct and indirect effects between variables were examined using the PLS-SEM. The SEM results showed that Chat GPT’s six dimensions have a positive and significant direct impact on tourist’s satisfaction, and emphasis the moderating role of Traditional Tour Operator Services “TTOS” on the relationship between GPT’s six dimensions and “TS”, and on the relationship between ‘TS” and Chat GPT usage intention. These findings yield valuable insights for everyone interested in the use of IT in the tourism industry, and provide effective strategies for optimizing the use of technological applications by traditional tour operators.


Chat GPT; traditional tour operator services; tourist’s satisfaction; AI usage intention; tourism industry

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