Policy of Medan City Government in the development of public health services: A case study of Medan Berkah Health Insurance Program
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
Universal Health Coverage is a health insurance system that ensures every citizen in the population has equitable access to quality and effective promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative health services. Meanwhile, the Medan City Government of Indonesia is trying to improve health services through the Medan Berkah Health Insurance Program by adopting Universal Health Coverage, which aims to provide Universal Health Coverage to the entire community. This study aims to explain the implementation and projection of the development of health services of the Medan City Government with the Universal Health Coverage System in the Medan Berkah Health Insurance Program which is intended as a step in providing opportunities for all people to get equal opportunities in health services, especially for the poor. This research uses qualitative research by using the literacy study method by studying related documents and conducting in-depth observations. Data analysis included data reduction, presentation, and conclusion drawing. The Medan City Government implemented the Universal Health Coverage Program in Jaminan Kesehatan Medan Berkah, which aims to improve health services in the city. The government is committed to simplifying the bureaucracy, managing the medical workforce, and collaborating with stakeholders and the community. However, challenges include low community participation, limited resources, lack of coordination, and limited access to information, which hinder the successful implementation of the program.
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