Digital services of tourist areas—Key to competitiveness

Éva Happ, Zsuzsanna Ivancsóné Horváth, Marcell Kupi

Article ID: 3912
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


In our study, we examined 11 designated tourist destinations in Hungary, which can also be interpreted as tourism products including services, infrastructure and attractions. The National Tourism Development Strategy (NTS) also puts a strong emphasis on digitalisation, as it is an unstoppable process with a significant impact on tourism, thanks to globalisation, increasing competition, accelerating information flows and the dominant paradigm shifts on the demand and supply side. We used both qualitative and quantitative methods in our primary research. First, we conducted in-depth interviews with several important tourism service providers in Hungary on the topic of the digitalisation of tourism. A professional questionnaire, addressed to the offices responsible for destination management was distributed in the designated tourist destinations in Hungary in order to get a more comprehensive picture of the attitudes towards digitalisation in the regions under study. In the course of our work, we managed to classify the destinations into three distinctly different clusters. Our hypothesis—that the higher the digitalisation of a tourist destination is, the higher the average length of stay—was partially confirmed by calculating the regional value of the digitalisation, logistic regression analysis, slope and the individual factor categories.


digital service; tourism; destination, competitiveness; digitalisation

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