Investigating the integration of ESG factors into financial markets and its influence on sustainable economic growth in emerging Asian economies

Longting Wang

Article ID: 3911
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


It is increasingly obvious the huge improvement caused in loss of habitat and degradation in environment. Various nations are prone to natural disasters if this issue is not addressed. The development of finance has been hailed as significant in alleviating environmental concerns due to its part as a source of cash for the development of green technology. The primary goal of this research is to satisfy an acquaintance vacuum by investigating the relationship amongst economic growth and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) concert throughout Asia. This analysis made use of country-level data from 2010 to 2015. Economic growth is positively connected to ESG routine, due to examination upon the pooled normal least squares method, the immovable impact logistic method, these two-phase least squares technique, and the structure’s generalised approach of moments estimator. Additionally, additional tests including financial sector growth subcomponents (financial platforms and financial institutions) reveal that the conclusion is consistent and resilient under multiple model settings. Financial development, when combined, is an essential catalyst for promoting ESG performance in Asia.


ESG performance; economic growth; financial sector; least squares

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