Appraising the impact of climate change on construction activities: Are the Nigerian practitioners prepared?

Andrew Ebekozien, Mohamed Ahmed Hafez Ahmed, Clinton Aigbavboa, Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan, Andrew Igiebor Awo-Osagie

Article ID: 3861
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 993 (Abstract) 1051 (PDF)


Rapid global warming and continuous climate change threaten the construction industry and human existence, especially in developing countries. Many developed countries are engaging their professional stakeholders on innovation and technology to mitigate climate change on humanity. Studies concerning inclusive efforts by developing countries’ stakeholders, including Nigeria, are scarce. Thus, this study investigates the construction industry’s practitioners’ preparedness to mitigate climate change through pre- and post-planning. Also, the study appraises climate change’s impact on construction activities and proffered measures to mitigate them. The research employed face-to-face data collection via a qualitative approach. The researchers engaged 33 knowledgeable participants. The study covered Abuja, Benin City, Owerri, and Lagos and achieved saturation at the 30th participant. The research employed a thematic approach to analyse the collected data. Findings reveal that Nigerian construction practitioners cannot cope with climate change impacts because of lax planning and inadequate technology to mitigate the issues. Also, the government’s attitude towards climate change has not helped matters. Also, the study suggested measures to mitigate the impact of climate change on construction activities in Nigeria. Therefore, as part of the research contributions, all-inclusive and integrated regulatory policies and programmes should be tailored toward mitigating climate change. This includes integrated stakeholder sensitisation, investment in infrastructure that supports anti-climate change, prioritising practices in the industry to achieve sustainable project transformation, and integration of climate change interventions into pre- and post-contract administration.


carbon emission; climate change; construction industry; Nigeria; technology; stakeholders

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