Updating the tourism organizational assessment scale

Krisztina Keller, Szabolcs Mátyás, Mihály Hegedűs, Nikoletta Kaszás, Al Fauzi Rahmat, Lóránt Dénes Dávid

Article ID: 3811
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


The recent crisis-filled period has placed a significant burden on various businesses, including in the tourism sector. As a result, the concept of resilience, the flexible ability to resist, has become more and more tangible. This study aims to update the quantitative organizational resilience assessment scale of Orchiston, Prayag and Brown. The paper analyses a sample of 87 tourism service providers managing attractions, and factor analysis was carried out to identify the factors in order to be able to measure the resilience of tourism service providers. Four factors could be identified: Leadership and Organization, Strategy, Independence, and Internal Identity. These identified factors and the included 14 items mean the key contribution, as a new, updated assessment system.


resilience; tourism; tourism organizational assessment scale; tourism attraction sites; COVID-19

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i6.3811


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