Exploring classroom temperature and humidity on students’ emotions through IoT and image processing

Gabriela Fretes, Cèlia Llurba, Ramon Palau

Article ID: 3808
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


The quality of indoor classroom conditions influences the well-being of its occupants, students and teachers. Especially the temperature, outside acceptable limits, can increase the risk of discomfort, illness, stress behaviors and cognitive processes. Assuming the importance of this, in this quantitative observational study, we investigated the relationship between two environmental variables, temperature and humidity, and students’ basic emotions. Data were collected over four weeks in a secondary school in Spain, with environmental variables recorded every 10 minutes using a monitoring kit installed in the classroom, and students’ emotions categorized using Emotion Recognition Technology (ERT). The results suggest that high recorded temperatures and humidity levels are associated with emotional responses among students. While linear regression models indicate that temperature and humidity may influence students’ emotional experiences in the classroom, the explanatory power of these models may be limited, suggesting that other factors could contribute to the observed variability in emotions. The implications and limitations of these findings for classroom conditions and student emotional well-being are discussed. Recognizing the influence of environmental conditions and monitoring them is a step toward establishing smart classrooms.


indoor environmental quality; temperature; humidity; students’ emotions; well-being; academic performance; smart classroom; Py-Feat

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.3808


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