Unveiling the consequences: How ignorance of laws and policies inhibits the social inclusion of persons with disabilities
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
Ignorance of laws and policies creates barriers to the social inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs), hindering their full participation in communal life and opportunities. The current study aims to analyze the social inclusion of PWDs in the context of ignorance of laws and policies and how it influences their overall social inclusion. To achieve the study objectives, data were collected from a sample of 488 PWDs, comprising 284 males and 204 females, in the selected six Union Councils (sub-administrative units) of District Malakand, Pakistan. Respondents were chosen through multistage stratified random sampling. In the univariate and multivariate level analyses, the chi-square test and Kendall’s Tau-b test statistics were used to test the relationship between ignorance of laws and policies and the social inclusion of PWDs. Gender and level of disability were used as control variables at the multivariate level. The results of Kendal Tb and chi-square significance values depicted a spurious relation among ignorance of laws and policies and social inclusion of PWDs while controlling respondent’s gender. The results highlighted that ignorance of laws and policies reduced social inclusion in male to a higher extent than female. Additionally, the social inclusion of PWDs with moderate disabilities is more significantly hampered by ignorance of laws and polices than those with severe disabilities.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i6.3772
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