The development of servant leadership research: A brief bibliometric review
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
This study presents a simple yet informative bibliometric analysis of servant leadership literature, aiming to provide a basic overview of its scholarly landscape and identify general trends. We conducted this analysis in September 2023. We focused solely on the Scopus database to understand the current state of servant leadership research. Despite extensive search efforts, we found no similar bibliometric analyses within the servant leadership domain during our study period. Therefore, our focus is to present a brief and straightforward analysis of current research in this field based on identification trends over time, connection between co-occurrence of author keywords, most and less discussed keyword, and areas of high and low concentration. Our findings show an increase in scholarly publications, reflecting a growing acknowledgment of servant leadership’s relevance in management practices. Interconnected keywords and themes such as leadership, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, work engagement, authentic leadership, ethical leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, trust, and leadership development emerge prominently. Additionally, less-discussed keywords such as accountability, core self-evaluations, educational leadership, stewardship, customer orientation, and psychological well-being provide alternative perspectives on these research results. While acknowledging limitations inherent in our bibliometric research, such as potential publication bias and language restrictions, our study offers valuable insights for scholars and practitioners interested in this area.
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