Digital marketing for sustainable tourism village in Bali: A mixed methods study
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
This study examines the crucial role of digital marketing in promoting sustainable tourism in the villages of Bali. It adopts a mixed methods approach, using qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. The qualitative data were obtained from semi-structured interviews with management teams who have experience in implementing digital marketing strategies for village tourism. The interviewees were selected using a purposive sampling technique. The quantitative data were gathered from questionnaires distributed to domestic tourists who visited the villages. The questionnaires measured the tourists’ perceptions of digital marketing as a tool for village tourism marketing. The study found that digital marketing plays a vital role in promoting tourism villages, as most tourists learned about the villages through online media. The study also identified five dimensions of digital marketing, namely website media, social media, search engines, email marketing, and online advertising, which have potential effects on the sustainability of tourism villages. The study conducted statistical tests to examine the effects of 20 indicators of digital marketing on village tourism marketing. The results showed that 16 indicators had a significant positive effect, while four indicators had no effect. These findings suggest that digital marketing is an effective way to market tourism villages and enhance their sustainability.
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