Anti-money laundering and emerging economy—Evidence from Bangladesh

Mofijul Hoq Masum, Amit Banik, Mohammad Tariq Hasan, Salwa Zolkaflil, Sharifah Nazatul Faiza Syed Mustapha Naz, Fazlida Mohd Razali, Masetah Ahmad Tarmizi

Article ID: 3720
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 693 (Abstract) 326 (PDF)


Money laundering has become a vital issue all over the world especially in the emerging economy over the last two decades. Till now, the developing and emerging countries face challenges about the remedies and inceptions of anti-money laundering issues. The objective of the study is to provide a thorough picture of the diversified movements of academic research on money laundering and anti-money laundering activities all over the world. This study aims at exploring the contemporary issues in Anti-money laundering based on the academic points of view. Further, the study is explored to render a portrayal of anti-money laundering activities from an emergency country context. A review of publicly available reports, published documents, daily newspapers, case studies, and previous academic research comprised the main sources of data for the study. It is found that the contemporary money laundering and anti-money laundering academic research might be classified into four broad categories. An emerging country like Bangladesh has taken little initiative to inductee anti-money laundering initiatives. It implies that for the successful implementation of anti-money laundering activities, good governance along with a congenial regulatory framework is a prerequisite in an emerging country context. In addition, the machine learning may enhance the quality of money laundering detections in Bangladesh.


anti-money laundering; Bangladesh; machine learning; governance

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Copyright (c) 2024 Mofijul Hoq Masum, Amit Banik, Mohammad Tariq Hasan, Salwa Zolkaflil, Sharifah Nazatul Faiza Syed Mustapha Nazri, Fazlida Mohd Razali, Masetah Ahmad Tarmizi

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