Enhancing entrepreneurial strategy skills in Saudi universities employees: The impact of psychological capital
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024
Psychological capital is recognized as a positive and unique factor that plays a crucial role in human resource development and performance management. It has the potential to increase employees’ efforts towards achieving organizational goals and improving their entrepreneurial strategy skills. The objective of this study was to examine the contribution of psychological capital in enhancing the entrepreneurial strategy skills of employees in Saudi universities. The study employed a descriptive approach, specifically utilizing the survey study method. The study sample was intentionally selected from different categories within the study population. Data was collected from 530 participants using two questionnaires. The findings revealed that employees exhibited an average level of psychological capital, while their practice of entrepreneurial strategy skills was rated as poor. The study also demonstrated that psychological capital significantly contributes to enhancing employees’ entrepreneurial strategy skills. Furthermore, statistically significant differences were observed in the psychological capital of employees across certain variables, such as personal and functional aspects. The average level of psychological capital among employees indicates the need for further development in this area. By focusing on enhancing psychological capital, organizations can effectively improve the entrepreneurial strategy skills of their employees. It is clear that investing in the psychological capital of employees can lead to significant improvements in their entrepreneurial strategy skills. This highlights the potential for organizations to foster a more entrepreneurial mindset and approach among their staff members. Additionally, the study’s findings underscore the need to tailor interventions and development programs to address specific aspects of psychological capital that may vary across different employees. Overall, the study emphasizes that psychological capital is a valuable resource that should be nurtured and developed within the organizational context. By doing so, organizations can not only enhance the entrepreneurial strategy skills of their employees but also cultivate a more resilient, motivated, and engaged workforce. This has the potential to contribute to the overall success and innovation of Saudi universities and similar institutions.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.3715
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmed K. Hassan, Hussam K. Aldawsari, Mohamed Frikha, Hossam S. Selim, Khaled M. Zahran, Hatem Abd Elmonem Saleh Eldiasty, Nagla El-Tanahi, Ahmed M. Abdelwahab, Ibrahim Tawfeeq Alsedrah, Nahla Saad Ebrahim Aljamaan, Badry E. Hammad
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