Sustained promotion of Chinese college students’ employment: the impact of social support and goal orientation on academic achievement

Baiyan Du, Yuege Lai, Yuzhe Qian, Jun Cheng

Article ID: 3640
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


The issue of academic achievement among Chinese university students is emerging due to difficulties in finding employment. This study investigates the structural relationships between social support, goal orientation, and academic achievement with the aim of enhancing students’ academic performance and facilitating sustained employability. Data were collected from 202 college students in South China, revealing that students’ levels of social support, goal orientation, and academic achievement were all moderate. Lower-grade students, in comparison to higher-grade students, exhibited lower levels of social support, goal orientation, and academic achievement. Additionally, students from lower economic backgrounds tended to lack social support. Among the factors of social support, goal orientation, and academic achievement, there were positive correlations among these three variables. Social support significantly and positively influenced goal orientation and academic achievement. Specifically, the sub-factors of social support, school support, and teacher support had differential effects, with school support enhancing academic achievement and teacher support boosting goal orientation. Goal orientation also significantly and positively impacted students’ academic achievement, with the sub-factor of mastery goals having a stronger influence. Goal orientation partially mediated the relationship between social support and academic achievement. This study discusses limitations and provides insights for future research.


student employability; social support; goal orientation; academic achievement

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