Moderating role of board gender diversity and firm size on the relationship between free cash flow and corporate sustainability of Thai listed companies

Sunanta Pasalao, Wachira Boonyanet, Supa Tongkong

Article ID: 3622
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


This study seeks to explore the information value of free cash flow (FCF) on corporate sustainability and investigate the moderating effects of board gender diversity and firm size on the association between FCF and corporate sustainability of Thai listed companies. The dataset consists of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in 2022. Multivariate regression analysis is executed in this study. Subsequently, PROCESS macro served to evaluate the proposed hypotheses. This study found that FCF has a significant positive relationship with corporate sustainability. As well, board gender diversity and firm size both moderate the relationship between FCF and corporate sustainability, such that the positive effect of FCF on corporate sustainability is stronger when the proportion of female boards diminishes, while firm size is smaller. However, when firms have a larger proportion of females on the boards of directors for all levels of firm size, free cash flow indicates that there is no statistically significant effect on corporate sustainability. This study contributes to FCF and sustainability literature by understanding the extent of corporate sustainability.


cash flow; female board; gender diversity; sustainable growth; PROCESS; SET; Thailand

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