Fire safety of building integrated photovoltaic systems—State of the art

Michaela Zamrazilova

Article ID: 3601
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 493 (Abstract) 478 (PDF)


The main long-term goal of international communities is to achieve sustainable development. This issue is currently highly topical in most European Union (EU) countries due to the ongoing energy crisis. Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), which can be integrated into the building surface (roof or facade), thereby replacing conventional building materials, contributes significantly to achieving zero net energy buildings. However, fire safety is important when using BIPV as a structural system in buildings, and it is essential that the application of BIPV as building facades and roofs does not adversely affect the safety of the buildings, their occupants, or the responding firefighters. As multifunctional products, BIPV modules must meet fire safety requirements in the field of electrical engineering as well as in the construction industry. In terms of building regulations, the fire safety requirements of the BIPV must comply with national building regulations. Within this article, aspects and fire hazards associated with BIPV system installations will be defined, including proposals for installation and material requirements that can help meet fire safety.


fire safety; photovoltaic systems; BIPV; sustainable development

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