A study on the relationship among DIIBC, brand value, and the organizational performance of a China’s domestic down coat leadership brand

Shao Min, Kanokporn Chaiprasit

Article ID: 3545
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


In the current digital era, digital communication has a profound impact on the construction of product brands and affects the organizational performance of enterprises; thus, digital communication has become a power that cannot be ignored to improve the organizational performance of enterprises. This study demonstrated three hypotheses based on previous research and used a questionnaire survey to collect first-hand data from distributors of a China’s leading domestic down coat brand (named BRAND A in this study), and then studied and analyzed the relationships among digital integrated and interactive brand communication (DIIBC), brand value, and organizational performance through SEM analysis methods. The results showed that DIIBC had an indirect negative significant positive effect on organizational performance through brand value, while it had a highly significant direct positive effect on the organizational performance of this brand in China’s domestic down coat industry, and DIIBC’s final function on organizational performance was highly significant positive.


digital integrated and interactive brand communication (DIIBC); brand value; organizational performance; a China’s leading domestic down coat brand

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.3545


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