Shifts in the urban planning paradigm following the COVID-19 pandemic
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has prompted significant transformations in several facets of human existence as it has disseminated over the globe, hence instigating extensive investigations into urban environments and public health. Recent research has investigated the correlation between cities, urban planning, and COVID-19. This signifies a shift in the urban planning paradigm. Resume focusing on and giving priority to health, particularly in relation to infectious diseases. This article seeks to elucidate the paradigm shift in cities and health as a result of due to the COVID-19 pandemic by employing a Systematic Literature Review. The research findings demonstrate a significant change in how health and cities are perceived due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This research also contributes novel insights into the significance of urban design that prioritises public health, particularly in relation to infectious diseases.
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