Improving the practical skills of STEM students at a historically black college and university (HBCU)

Yasser Ismail, Phyllis Okwan, Fahmi Khalifa, Albertha Lawson, Fred Lacy

Article ID: 3507
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


Improving the practical skills of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students at a historically black college and university (HBCU) was done by implementing a transformative teaching model. The model was implemented on undergraduate students of different educational levels in the Electrical Engineering (EE) Department at HBCU. The model was also extended to carefully chosen high and middle schools. These middle and high school students serve as a pipeline to the university, with a particular emphasis on fostering growth within the EE Department. The model aligns well with the core mission of the EE Department, aiming to enhance the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students, ensuring that they are qualified to work in industry or to pursue graduate studies. The implemented model prepares students for outstanding STEM careers. It also increases enrolment, student retention, and the number of underrepresented minority graduates in a technology-based workforce.


STEM education; retention; industry skills; Dewey’s philosophies; Piaget’s philosophies; Internet of things (IoT); robotics; artificial intelligence

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