Country typology reflecting (sub)national conditions for housing policy implementation

Barbora Raková, Vladimír Žítek, Viktorie Klímová

Article ID: 3451
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


The paper demonstrates the importance of subnational data on housing to be systematically reported and added to country typologies. We asked which national and local level characteristics of housing regimes can serve as benchmarks for reasonable country groupings. The aim of this paper is to (1) develop a methodological tool enabling the comparison of conditions for housing policy implementation on national and subnational levels and (2) identify the group of countries where conditions for housing policy implementation on national and subnational levels tend to be comparable. This country classification can be used as a practical instrument for comparative analyses and policy learning. As a conceptual framework, we used the international comparative Housing research 2.0 launched by Hoekstra in 2020. For our analysis, we selected 15 basic factors that were tested in 24 European countries. We have identified three key factors having an impact on housing policy implementation: decentralisation level in housing, local budget housing expenditure and the information on which governance level has core competencies within housing. The numeric database has been run through a k-means cluster analysis. Five distinct types of countries with similarities in conditions for housing policy implementation on national and subnational level have been identified and described.


housing policy; housing regime; housing outcome; subnational level; comparative analysis; country typology

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