Transport accessibility for disabled people in the European Union

David Rodríguez Guillén, Juan Antonio Clemente Soler, Juan Carlos Solano Lucas

Article ID: 3445
Vol 8, Issue 4, 2024

VIEWS - 196 (Abstract) 113 (PDF)


Over the last few decades, we have experienced a remarkable evolution of technologies, with a consequent impact on the modes of transport used. These developments have made all modes of transport more accessible. This study examines the evolution of transport in the European Union. To this end, we analysed the international framework, followed by the general legal framework and the type of transport sector at the European level. Furthermore, we examined areas where improvements could be made, facilitating a subsequent review of other key aspects of transport. This enabled us to identify a series of future actions to improve accessible transport in Europe.


accessibility; transport; regulations; European Union

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