Performance of gender diversity on board of directors: The case of Indonesia

Juniarti Juniarti, Ferry Jie

Article ID: 3438
Vol 8, Issue 4, 2024


This study further explores women’s role in top management in Indonesia, where men still dominate that position. This study underlines the role of women’s boards of commissioners in producing better financial performance in the specific sectors, manufacturing and service sectors, where the power of women to lead these sectors is more optimal. The sample is selected from the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2009–2018. The final sample is 780 observations. This study applies panel data, which is more robust when controlling heterogeneity. Data panel regression is applied to analyze data. This study finds that gender diversity harms market-based performance, while from accounting-based measures, gender diversity has a significant positive effect. This study is applied explicitly in the manufacturing and services industrial sectors; therefore, carefully generalizing the results is necessary. Research in other specific sectors is very open to obtaining specific results in various industries, including developing countries other than Indonesia. The market has not trusted the role of women in top management; there is still a kind of ‘hidden distrust’ about the capabilities of women in running the top leadership captain. The market needs more substantial evidence to believe in women’s performance on the board of directors. Therefore, it is necessary to provide wider opportunities for women to sit on the board of commissioners, as much as men have.


gender diversity; board of directors; market-based; accounting-based; performance

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