Effect of workplace bullying and incivility on employee performance: Mediating role of psychological well being

Shahid Mehmood, Azra Bano, Muhammad Asif Khan, László Erdey

Article ID: 3390
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


Workplace bullying (WB) and workplace incivility (WI) appear to be the most alarming events with a potentially threat to the entire workforce and organization. Considering their implications, this research study is examining the effect of WB and WI on employee performance (EP) in the presence of psychological well-being (PW) among both relationships. Sample of the female employees (Nurses) working in the health care units and hospitals of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K), Pakistan was taken to collect the data. Data were collected from female nurses and their supervisors working in the public sector hospitals of AJ&K, Pakistan. The current study uses AMOS 21.0 for empirical analysis to estimate the “Structural Equation Model (SEM)”. The results of SEM show that WB and WI negatively influence nurses’ performance in Azad Jammu and Kashmir’s health sectors. Moreover, PW mediates the association between WB and EP. Similarly, the effects of WI decrease in the presence of PW. The current study provides theoretical and practical implications for Pakistan’s health sector regulators and other stakeholders. It also sheds highlight on the importance of a stress-free environment for health sector employees and postulates that employee productivity may be enhanced after eliminating bullying and incivility at the workplace. Further, the study guides managers to create stress-free environments and policies to enhance employee’s productivity.


workplace bullying; workplace incivility; employee performance; Azad Jammu and Kashmir

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.3390


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