Enhancing the circular economy business model towards sustainable business performance: Moderating the role of environmental dynamism

I Wayan Edi Arsawan, Dwi Suhartanto, Viktor Koval, Iryna Tralo, Vladyslav Demenko, Amiril Azizah

Article ID: 3321
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


Enhancing the emphasis on incorporating sustainable practices reinforces a linear transition towards a circular economy by organizations. Nevertheless, although studies on circular economy demonstrate an increasing trend, the drivers that support circular economy practices towards sustainable business performance in the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) sector, especially in developing nations, demand exploration. Accordingly, the study examines circular economy drivers, i.e., green human resource management, in establishing sustainability performance and environmental dynamism as moderating variables. The study engaged 207 SMEs and 621 respondents who were analyzed utilizing structural equation modeling. The analysis indicated that sustainable business performance was affected by green human resource management and a circular economy. Subsequently, the circular economy mediated the linkage between green human resources management and sustainable business performance. The environmental dynamism moderated the linkage between green human resources management and the circular economy.


green human resource management; circular economy; sustainable business performance; SMEs

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.3321


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