The behavior of students in relation to green marketing as green consumers: A reasoned action approach (RAA)

Md. Asaduzzaman Babu, Faisal Ejaz, Aemin Nasir, Shekh Md. Sahiduj Jaman, Zita Julia Fodor, Md Billal Hossain

Article ID: 3253
Vol 8, Issue 4, 2024


The objective of this study is to examine the extent of awareness, intention, and behavior among university students in relation to green marketing. It is recognized that the present cohort of students, as well as future generations, will have a substantial impact on shaping the course of the world. The respondents for this study consisted of university students, and the collected data was subsequently analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) 25 in order to test the stated hypothesis. University students exhibit a comprehensive understanding of green marketing and a conscious inclination toward embracing favorable intentions and behaviors in relation to this domain. The results of this study suggest that there exists a statistically significant and positive correlation between individuals’ level of green awareness and their intention to participate in environmentally friendly consumer practices. Furthermore, it has been observed that the intention of consumers to engage in green practices has a noteworthy influence on their subsequent behavior in terms of adopting environmentally friendly behaviors. The findings obtained from studies on green marketing are of utmost importance in offering valuable guidance and orientation toward a future characterized by heightened environmental awareness and sustainability. The novelty of this study is to provide a lucid comprehension of students’ perceptions about green marketing. Several factors can potentially impact the intention and behavior of environmentally conscious consumers, including personal values, social norms, and economic factors. Additional research is necessary in order to obtain a more thorough comprehension of the complexity of these variables, and how they interact to impact consumer behavior.


green marketing; green awareness; green intention; green behavior; green consumers

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