Unveiling the connection among customer concentration, trade credit financing, and firm performance: A moderated mediation model
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024
The augmentation of firm performance via customer concentration is particularly indispensable for organizational evolution. Both trade credit financing and financing constraints play pivotal roles in the nexus between customer concentration and performance. This research constructs a moderated mediation model to rigorously investigate the impact of customer concentration on firm performance, positing trade credit financing as the mediating variable and financing constraints as the moderating variable. The relevant hypotheses are evaluated empirically using panel data compiled from listed manufacturing firms in China over the period 2013–2020, yielding 8 firm-year observations. The empirical outcomes denote that customer concentration exerts a positive influence on firm performance, albeit having a negative impact on trade credit financing. Trade credit financing serves as a partial mediator in the relationship between customer concentration and manufacturing firm performance. Financing constraints are found to positively moderate the mediating role of trade credit financing in the relationship between customer concentration and firm performance. This research broadens the understanding of the implications of customer relationships on trade credit financing and performance, thereby enriching the knowledge base for managing a firm’s financing channels more effectively.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i2.3178
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