Sustainable management of energy supplies for Thailand’s power generation

Sirilak Phonin, Radom Pongvuthithum, Chatchawan Chaichana, Chulin Likasiri

Article ID: 3164
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


We analyze Thailand’s projected 2023–2030 energy needs for power generation using a constructed linear programming model and scenario analysis in an attempt to find a formulation for sustainable electricity management. The objective function is modeled to minimize management costs; model constraints include the electricity production capacity of each energy source, imports of electricity and energy sources, storage choices, and customer demand. Future electricity demands are projected based on the trend most closely related to historical data. CO2 emissions from electricity generation are also investigated. Results show that to keep up with future electricity demands and ensure the country’s energy security, energy from all sources, excluding the use of storage systems, will be necessary under all scenario constraints.


multi-objective linear programming; optimization problem; electricity generation; CO2 emissions

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