E-government based on sustainable digitalization: The case of the Chinese social sustainability marketing technologies paradigm

Natalia Vashkevich, Sergey Evgenievich Barykin, Aleks Krasnov, Anna Alexandrovna Kurochkina, Natalia Alekseeva, Daria Sergeevna Krasnova, Vadim S. Kankhva, Tatiana V. Khovalova, Oleg Mikhov, Vasilii Buniak, Madinat Yunuskadievna Dzhamaludinova, Natalia Dedyukhina, Madad Ali

Article ID: 3113
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024


Amidst China’s burgeoning population and rapid technological strides, this study explores how elderly citizens navigate and embrace electronic governance (e-governance) platforms. Addressing a crucial gap in knowledge, we delve into their limited digital fluency and its impact on e-governance adoption. Our meticulously crafted online survey, distributed via WeChat across significant cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Changsha), yielded 396 responses (384 analyzable). Utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), we unearthed key influencers of subjective norms, including perceived ease and usefulness, trust, supportive conditions, and past tech exposure. These norms, in turn, positively shape attitudes. Crucially, educational background emerges as a moderator, amplifying the positive link between attitudes and e-governance engagement intent. This underscores the necessity of an inclusive, customized e-governance approach, offering valuable policy insights and advocating for holistic solutions for older adults. Our research yields empirical and theoretical contributions, paving the way for actionable Social Sustainability Marketing Technologies in China, particularly championing digital inclusivity for seniors.


e-government; marketing technologies; social sustainability marketing technologies paradigm; older adult e-government acceptance model (OAEAM); behavioural intention to use

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i3.3113


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