Evaluation of relative weight of balanced personnel index in Korean Public Offices through AHP
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024
This research was conducted with the aim of developing indexes for diagnosis of balanced personnel levels in Korean Public Offices through Analytic Hierachy Process (AHP). The research found that 62.3% of ‘structural improvement’ and 37.7% of ‘inclusive organizational culture’ were weighted in large classification items. In the middle classification items, it was found weights of 27.5% for ‘gender equality’, 23.5% for ‘disabled’, 16.2% for ‘science and engineering’, 17.7% for ‘regional talent’, and 15.2% for ‘social integrated type’. In the small classification items, 9.4% of ‘employment rate of social integrated talent’, 5.3% of ‘the percentage of grade 7 and 9 selection of regional talent’ and 5% of ‘the percentage of women at the head of a department level’ were shown as important evaluation indicators. In addition, the ‘inclusive organizational culture’ was derived by allocating weights of 9.45% each for four areas: fairness, disclosure, cooperation and support. As above, this research constructs items of the balanced personnel index through prior research and designs detailed indexes. However, it is meaningful that surveys and others have confirmed the usefulness of the balanced personnel index, which will contribute to the achievement of balanced personnel objectives in public offices.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i3.3105
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