Implications of policy analysis matrix for competitiveness of Tuong-mango in Dong Nai, Vietnam
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024
Purpose: The aim of the study is to apply policy analysis matrix (PAM) to identify international competitiveness of marketing channels and policy impacts of government on each marketing channels. Methodology: Policy analysis matrix is employed to evaluate influences of macroeconomic policy on the Tuong-mango value chain. The study investigated 213 sampling observation of eight main actors in chain. Findings: The findings indicate that although domestic channel 4 exhibits competitiveness (Private cost ratio (PRC) < 1), channels 1, 2, and 3 possess both comparative and competitive advantages (PRC < 1, Domestic Resource Cost (DRC) < 1, and social benefit-cost (SBC) > 1). The government’s strategy on production protection, referred to as Nominal protection coefficient on tradable output (NPCO) 0.16, together with the plan for enhancing added value, denoted as Effective protection coefficient (EPC) 0.14 and Subsidy ratio to producers (SRP) −0.18, place a significant emphasis on the first export channel. The government’s subsidy plan grants preferential treatment to Channel 4 in terms of the pricing of commercially available products, with a Nominal protection coefficient on tradable input (NPCI) value of 0.75. A value-added strategy is implemented for export channels 2 and 3, which have EPCs of 0.76 and 0.85, respectively. Policy implications: If the tradable cost is modified by 20%, there will be a change in the ratio of DRC, SBC, EPC, and SRP. While the EPC does not see a 20% reduction in domestic prices, the DRC and SBC do benefit from this cost reduction. A reduction of 20% in the local cost, coupled with a corresponding rise of 20% in the Free on Board (FOB) price, would result in a significant elevation of the SRP for export channels 1, 2, and 3. Conclusion: This is as evidence for the combination of quantitative is a dynamic tool in the policymaking process to ensure targets, constrictions, and consistent policies for agricultural fields. This permits policies to be changed in steps with an alteration in the economy and priorities set up for the tropical fruits and vegetables field.
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