Extending dramaturgical theory to evaluate revisit intention of international tourism: A scenario of COVID-19 tourism recovery

Hui Guo, Chin-Tsu Chen, Asif Khan, Yu-Chun Lin, Chia-Chen Tsao, Shih-Chih Chen

Article ID: 3071
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


Since 2019, major travel destinations worldwide have issued travel-related restrictions against COVID-19. There is much research on tourism, but few studies have been conducted to explain the relevance of revisiting intention from the perspective of the epidemic or the dramaturgical theory. The purpose of the research is to explore the impact of customer experience on revisit intention during the period of COVID-19 slowdown by using dramaturgical theory. This study used a survey methodology, and the questionnaire was distributed on an online questionnaire platform. The URL of the questionnaire was published on social media (such as Facebook and LINE) to collect data from 389 samples of people who have foreign travel experience. The data was analyzed by employing partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) methodology with the help of the statistical software “SmartPLS”. The research findings are as follows: 1) setting, audience, and performance are the three important elements of dramaturgical theory that impact the experience quality; 2) customer experience of tourists has a significant impact on the experience quality; 3) experience quality has a significant positive impact on the experience value and relationship quality; 4) experience value and relationship quality are important predictors of revisit intention. This study provides academic implications regarding the use of dramaturgical theory in relation to customer experience and relationship constructs in the context of tourism. Furthermore, it also provides some practical implications to tourism practitioners and managers, which would assist tourism industries in developing successful marketing strategies for the possible recovery of COVID-19.


COVID-19; dramaturgical theory; experience quality; relationship quality; revisit intention

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.3071


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