Talent attraction through flexible work anytime from anywhere

Ardi Ardi, Hadi Cahyadi, Yohana F. C. P. Meilani, Rudy Pramono

Article ID: 2998
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024


As a flexible working style, working anytime from anywhere can attract talented individuals due to flexibility and expanded talent pools. This literature review analyzes talent attraction through flexible work anytime from anywhere, as it applies to the current work style. The findings show that remote work is attractive for gifted individuals seeking meaningful and fulfilling work opportunities. Flexibility lets employees work remotely and allows them to plan their workdays around their schedules. They can pick when they are most productive and fit in personal obligations like taking care of their families or engaging in hobbies. By removing regional restrictions, businesses can access a far bigger talent pool. Employers can hire workers from several cities, nations, or even continents remote labor. By having access to a larger talent pool, employers are more likely to hire highly qualified workers who might not be accessible or willing to move for a traditional office position.


talent attraction; talent pool; work anytime; work anywhere; working style

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i3.2998


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