The confluence of Logistics 4.0 and agribusiness: A systematic review and future directions
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024
Amid the unfolding Fourth Industrial Revolution, the integration of Logistics 4.0 with agribusiness has emerged as a pivotal nexus, harboring potential for transformational change while concurrently presenting multifaceted challenges. Through a meticulous content analysis, this systematic review delves deeply into the existing body of literature, elucidating the profound capacities of Logistics 4.0 in alleviating supply chain disruptions and underscoring its pivotal role in fostering value co-creation within agro-industrial services. The study sheds light on the transformative potential vested within nascent technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and their promise in shaping the future landscape of agribusiness. However, the path forward is not without impediments; the research identifies cardinal barriers, most notably the absence of robust governmental policies and a pervasive lack of awareness, which collectively stymie the seamless incorporation of Industry 4.0 technologies within the realm of agribusiness. Significantly, this inquiry also highlights advancements in sustainable supply chain management, drawing attention to pivotal domains including digitalization, evolving labor paradigms, supply chain financing innovations, and heightened commitments to social responsibility. As we stand on the cusp of technological evolution, the study offers a forward-looking perspective, anticipating a subsequent transition towards Industry 5.0, characterized by the advent of hyper-cognitive systems, synergistic robotics, and AI-centric supply chains. In its culmination, the review presents prospective avenues for future research, emphasizing the indispensable need for relentless exploration and pragmatic solutions. This comprehensive synthesis not only sets the stage for future research endeavors but also extends invaluable insights for practitioners, policymakers, and academicians navigating the intricate labyrinthstry of Logistics 4.0 in agribusiness.
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