Management accounting system as mediator on sustainability performance
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2024
This paper aims to investigate the factors of competitive success and examine the relationship between Strategic Management Accounting, management accounting information systems and sustainability performance. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach. The survey involved 125 managers of 4- and 5-star hotels in Bali, Indonesia, a research sample of 154 managers was determined to be given a research questionnaire. Analysis of research data was carried out through Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that strategic management accounting and Information Management Accounting System had a positive effect on sustainability performance. MAS information also mediates the relationship between strategic management accounting and sustainability performance which can involve a variety of factors. This study only focuses on competitive strategy and MAS information variables, so further research is needed on the sustainability performance of the hospitality industry. The positive relationship between strategic management accounting and social and environmental performance supports the argument that hotels use socio-environmental aspects for their strategic management accounting. Hotel managers also need government regulations and information related to social and environmental issues such as the Indonesian occupational health and safety management system and the Indonesia Green Hotel Award.
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