Analyze the impact of factors on Vietnam banks’ net interest margin: A panel data approach

Nguyen Ngoc Son

Article ID: 2796
Vol 8, Issue 3, 2024

VIEWS - 878 (Abstract) 989 (PDF)


This study deals with the impact of Vietnam bank size, loans, credit risk, and liquidity on Vietnam banks’ net interest margin, which are crucial for economic development. High profit margins result in a lower bad debt ratio due to timely loan collection and good liquidity. This study applies a panel data model to evaluate the relationship among bank size, loans, credit risk, liquidity, and marginal profitability, which are increasingly important in commercial bank growth. Data were collected from 2010 to 2022, and test methods were applied to select a good-fit model. Realizing that the factors that have a close correlation and affect the profit margin are 33.6% and 16.07%, 75.2%, 37.51%, 64.30%, and 41.11%, and R2 is 59.04%, respectively, this suggests that financial managers need to develop appropriate strategies and policies to adjust the factors that adversely affect commercial bank profitability.


Panel data; bad debt; credit risk; profitability; commercial banks

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