Sustainability assessment for Thai mango: The environmental impact and economic benefits from cradle-to-grave
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2023
This study provides an evaluation of the environmental impact and economic benefits associated with the disposal of mango waste in Thailand, utilizing the methodologies of life cycle assessment (LCA) and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in accordance with internationally recognized standards such as ISO 14046 and ISO 14067. The study aimed to assess the environmental impact of mango production in Thailand, with a specific focus on its contribution to global warming. This was achieved through the application of a life cycle assessment methodology, which enabled the determination of the cradle-to-grave environmental impact, including the estimation of the mango production’s global warming potential (GWP). Based on the findings of the feasibility analysis, mango production is identified as a novel opportunity for mango farmers and environmentally conscious consumers. This is due to the fact that the production of mangoes of the highest quality is associated with a carbon footprint and other environmental considerations. Based on the life cycle assessment conducted on conventional mangoes, taking into account greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it has been determined that the disposal of 1 kg of mango waste per 1 rai through landfilling results in an annual emission of 8.669 tons of carbon. This conclusion is based on comprehensive data collected throughout the entire life cycle of the mangoes. Based on the available data, it can be observed that the quantity of gas released through the landfilling process of mango waste exhibits an annual increase in the absence of any intervening measures. The cost benefit analysis conducted on the life cycle assessment (LCA) of traditional mango waste has demonstrated that the potential benefits derived from its utilization are numerous. The utilization of the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and the adoption of a sustainable business model exemplify the potential for developing novel eco-sustainable products derived from mango waste in forthcoming time.
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