Bioclimatic design strategies and energy efficiency in an orthopaedic hospital in Nigerian cities: A cross-sectional study
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
2050 building stock might be buildings that already exist today. A large percentage of these buildings fail today’s energy performance standards. Highly inefficient buildings delay progress toward a zero-carbon-building goal (SDGs 7 and 13) and can lead to investments in renewable energy infrastructure. The study aims to investigate how bioclimatic design strategies enhance energy efficiency in selected orthopaedic hospitals in Nigeria. The study objective includes Identifying the bioclimatic design strategies that improve energy efficiency in orthopaedic hospitals, assessing the energy efficiency requirements in an orthopaedic hospital in Nigeria and analysing the effects of bioclimatic design strategies in enhancing energy efficiency in an orthopaedic hospital in Nigeria. The study engaged a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research method. The investigators used case study research as a research design and a deductive approach as the research paradigm. The research employed a questionnaire survey for quantitative data while the in-depth Interview (IDI) guide and observation schedule for qualitative data. The findings present a relationship between bioclimatic design strategies and energy conservation practices in an orthopaedic hospital building. Therefore, implementing bioclimatic design strategies might enhance energy efficiency in hospital buildings. The result of the study revealed that bioclimatic hospital designs may cost the same amount to build but can save a great deal on energy costs. Despite the challenges, healthcare designers and owners are finding new ways to integrate bioclimatic design strategies into new healthcare construction to accelerate patient and planet healing.
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