Leveraging computer-assisted audit tools for corporate sustainability: Evidence from Ethiopia

Fekadu Agmas Wassie

Article ID: 2690
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2024


The existing ample literature studied the factors for adopting computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs) by internal and external auditors, frequently ignoring their impact on the quality of audits and companies’ efficiency. This study delivers new evidence on the kinds of CAATs utilized by internal auditors, examines their adoption impact on corporate sustainability, and studies the moderating impact of company characteristics. This study used data from internal auditors in Ethiopia gathered using a survey, and the study hypotheses were tested using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. The study found a moderate utilization of CAATs by internal auditors in executing their activities. The result also revealed a highly positive impact of internal auditors’ CAAT utilization on fraud discovery in the acquisition process. The study found that the intensity of this relationship is impacted by the companies’ characteristics of management commitment. However, the size and type of the company are not impacting it. This study finding complements prior studies and helps practitioners make decisions that can improve CAAT utilization in internal audit functions for a high level of companies’ sustainability.


CAATs; CAATs utilization; corporate sustainability; fraud detection; internal audit

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i1.2690


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