Factors that contribute to integrity of academicians in Malaysian public university: A case study
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2023
Low integrity is a challenge for any organization. However, most organizations emphasize integrity without explaining what is required of an individual with high integrity. Exhibiting high integrity is necessary for academics; yet, the level of academic integrity remains unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the integrity level of academicians in a Malaysian public university. This paper shares the findings on the level of integrity of academics based on a questionnaire completed by 213 academicians. Data were collected by survey questionnaire and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. An overall mean score of 9.45 from a possible 10.0 indicated a high level of integrity among academics. The self-evaluation results by academics also demonstrated that they have attained integrity at a high level for their generic task, teaching and learning, research and publications and service for community with a mean score between 9.36 and 9.49. The value with the highest mean score was for “service to community”, whereas the lowest was for “research and publication”. These findings show that the university has successfully instilled values of integrity among academicians. Nevertheless, the university must continue to enhance academic integrity by exploring religiosity. Using Google Scholar, a literature search identified an Islam-based academic integrity model to explain the quantitative findings. Finally, a mixed method approach and involving all universities in Malaysia are recommended to further the findings of this study.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v7i3.2643
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