Are we ready for the predicted high tourist influx? The case of management effectiveness of Sheikh Badin National Park, Pakistan
Vol 8, Issue 2, 2024
The major objective of this research paper is to assess the management effectiveness of Sheikh Badin National Park District Dera Ismail Khan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan with respect to tourist’s satisfaction. A sample size of 389 respondents (local community, wildlife staff, tourists) were selected through simple random sampling to conclude respondents’ attitude towards phenomenon investigated through three-level Likert scale as a measurement tool. Association between a dependent variable (management effectiveness) was assessed on the independent variables (tourist satisfaction) through a chi-square test. Association of management effectiveness was highly significant with tourists satisfaction from promos of park (p = 0.000), access to information (p = 0.000), roads network (p = 0.000), residential facilities (p = 0.000), trained guides (p = 0.000), safety from crimes and criminals (p = 0.000), provision of health and security services (p = 0.000), overall satisfaction of tourists (p = 0.000), recommendation of SBNP to other tourists (p = 0.000) and revisit intentions of tourists (p = 0.000). Improvement in security measures, better advertisement and improvement in park infrastructure were major recommendations considering the study.
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